
Welcome to the Law Offices of Lawrence Solorio

As an Estate Planning Attorney, my practice focuses on the special needs of seniors. The majority of my practice and services provided is concentrated in two areas;

  1. Estate Planning to include, but is not limited to, Wills, Trusts, Durable Powers of Attorney for Finance and Health Care needs for individuals and couples and
  2. Medi-Cal Planning, which involves qualification of an individual (or spouse) for long-term care nursing home benefits under the Medi-Cal entitlement program for seniors, while assisting your loved ones with asset protection strategies for your home and/or other assets.

In addition, if you want to learn more about the little known Veteran’s Aid and Attendance benefits program that helps veteran’s and their spouses to pay for in-home, assisted living and board care needs; click on the section referenced in my website.

With proper Estate Planning, you and your loves ones have the option and flexibility to avoid Probate, avoid Conservatorship and avoid losing most if not all of your assets, including your home, due to the high costs of long-term care in a nursing home (Medi-Cal and Asset Protection planning). Please note, that most current estate plans do not allow your loved ones expressed permission and authorization to protect your assets and your home if you (or your spouse if married) require long-term care assistance (Your trust does not automatically do this a trust merely allows you to avoid Probate!).

As an Estate Planning Attorney, my practice focuses on the special needs of seniors. The majority of my practice and services provided is concentrated in two areas; 1) Estate Planning to include, but is not limited to, Wills, Trusts, Durable Powers of Attorney for Finance and Health Care needs for individuals and couples and 2) Medi-Cal Planning, which involves qualification of an individual (or spouse) for long-term care nursing home benefits under the Medi-Cal entitlement program for seniors, while assisting your loved ones with asset protection strategies for your home and/or other assets.

For your free initial one-half (1/2) hour in-office consultation (for those in the Sacramento County >and surrounding areas such as Yolo, Placer and El Dorado Counties respectively), please contact our office by submitting your information here or calling us at (916) 536-1773. For those who live outside these counties you are welcome to call for your free Medi-Cal phone consultation as I can either personally assist you or refer you to a knowledgeable Elder Law Attorney in your area.

The LAW OFFICES OF LAWRENCE SOLORIO limits their practice of law solely to the State of California (see Contacts Page for office locations) and any information listed on this website is not intended for out-of-state residents. Any and all information on this website is not to be considered legal advice.